

Reminder to Suppliers who want to register on the GEMS Supplier Database

There is a Training/ Guiding session available to support you in completing your Database application. This is the second session and is not compulsory.

Should you be interested in attending the session, please send an email to database@gems.gov.za indicating your interest and provide the company name and email address to which the invitation can be sent to.

Date:  20 November 2023        Time: 11h00-13h00

All enquiries should be directed by mail to database@gems.gov.za.

CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 08 December 2023 @ 11h00

Appointment of three Independent Dental Consultants and one Medical Advisor to enhance research and inform work for the Government Employees Medical Scheme as a once-off requirement / For a period of three years.

Bid reference: GEMS/Independent-Dental-and-Medical-Consultants/R&D/2022/RFQ00

Please quote the applicable reference number in all correspondence. Correspondence without a reference number will not be attended to.

GEMS seeks to appoint three (3) independent dental advisors and one (1) Medical advisor to enhance the capacity of GEMS to carry out, manage, share and apply research; and support linkages between research, policy, and practice, with the specific and singular focus on dental proposals received during the Scheme’ s annual Product Development cycle.

The Consultants will assist in the screening and review of dental/clinical proposals received during the Scheme’s annual Product Development cycle, and provide the Scheme with detailed research, analysis and recommendations regarding the proposals. The Consultants will consist of a variety of dental experts and a medical expert, some of which may or may not exist in the GEMS database, in order to provide the Scheme with a broader view and understanding regarding the proposals brought forward.

Request for submission of bid documents

Bid documentation will only be available electronically in PDF or other format, on request by email from the following person:

Jolene Bultinck-Human by email at jolene@gems.gov.za

The bid documents can be requested electronically at any time, but will be distributed during office hours which are between 08h00 and 17h00, Mondays to Fridays, excluding public holidays. Completed bid documentation must only be submitted in electronic format as per the bid document instructions. No hard copy submissions will be considered.

Closing date: 09 December 2022

Time: 17h00

The time stipulated is in accordance with Telkom time, available by dialing 1026. Further submission details are contained in the bid document. Submission will be strictly electronic to the relevant email address. No late submissions will be considered.

Appointment of an Independent Expert Panel of Researchers to enhance research and inform work for the Government Employees Medical Scheme as a once-off requirement / For a period of three years.

Bid reference: GEMS/Independent-Expert-Panel-of-Researchers/R&D/2022/RFQ001

Please quote the applicable reference number in all correspondence. Correspondence without a reference number will not be attended to.

GEMS seeks to appoint an Independent Panel of Researchers to enhance the capacity of GEMS to carry out, manage, share and apply research; and support linkages between research, policy, and practice. The Panel will undertake research on behalf of the Scheme and fill identified knowledge gaps to assist GEMS to execute its mandate and strategy.

The Independent Panel of Researchers will additionally provide a forum for sharing research knowledge in healthcare management. The Panel will consist of a variety of experts some of which may or may not exist in the GEMS database. It is anticipated that several panel members will be appointed to work on several research projects to enable multidisciplinary collaboration.

Request for submission of bid documents

Bid documentation will only be available electronically in PDF or other format, on request by email from the following person:

Jolene Bultinck-Human by email at jolene@gems.gov.za

The bid documents can be requested electronically at any time, but will be distributed during office hours which are between 08h00 and 17h00, Mondays to Fridays, excluding public holidays. Completed bid documentation must only be submitted in electronic format as per the bid document instructions. No hard copy submissions will be considered.

Closing date: 09 December 2022

Time: 17h00

The time stipulated is in accordance with Telkom time, available by dialing 1026. Further submission details are contained in the bid document. Submission will be strictly electronic to the relevant email address. No late submissions will be considered.

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For more enquiries please contact the numbers below:

GEMS Switchboard: 012 366 4500